It all starts in the vineyard.

A new stage of viticulture in Slovakia has begun in recent decades. Slovak viticulture suffered significantly during socialism, when quantity prevailed at the expense of quality. Unlike the surrounding countries with a great viticultural history, for several centuries we haven‘t had the opportunity to explore and study the intricacies of our local terroir. In our wines, you will feel the interaction of specific characteristics lent to vineyard by its geography, geology and climate. Malé divy are the true representative of our local terroir.

“For the birth of quality and unique wines, it’s necessary not only to be a winemaker, but also a winegrower.”

In Malé divy, we ha’ve chosen a way of growing grapes that sets our path, which we‘re constantly improving with increasing experience. We take our position as farmers and winegrowers very seriously. We minimize our impact on the environment as much as possible, which is crucial and irreplaceable for us. The journey we‘ve set out on in wine growing and wine making increases and guarantees honesty and quality of our wines.

You should be interested in what wine you drink and what is its origin. In case you are, we‘ve created a map of our vineyards. This map captures Modra’s terroir and points to the full range of varieties, vineyards and types of wines we produce. Thanks to it, you will be able to find all our vineyards in Modra and know where to find locations Noviny, Lazare, Staré Hory or Firigle. See for yourself and discover more information about the wine-growing village Modra, which we call our home.



Altenberg- silvanské zelené 2019
Altenberg- silvanské zelené 2019
Starobylá európska odroda Silvánske zelené, zrodená pri Dunaji, rastúca na unikátnej polohe žulového terroiru Staré Hory s jedinečným minerálnym zložením pôdy, najlepšie odráža pradávnu históriu terroiru svojou pôvodnou a nenapodobiteľnou paletou vôní a chutí, ktorú príroda preniesla do nášho vína. OBJEDNÁVKU VYTVORÍTE NAPÍSANÍM NA NÁŠ MAIL, ALEBO ZAVOLANÍM NA TELEÓNNE ČÍSLO telefón: +421 908 714 401 +421 907 471 032 email: